About us

BrainTrust is about YOU.

BrainTrust is a collective of diverse women business owners intent on using our businesses to build financial independence, wealth, and influence – together.  We use our BrainTrust – our aggregated experience, expertise, access to networks, markets, and capital – to help one another scale. By committing to dedicated monthly meetings, members exercise discipline and learn to quickly process issues and opportunities, identify blind spots and pitfalls, develop strategies, and celebrate successes.


Our Philosophy.

We believe that experience is the best teacher. By leveraging the lived experiences – successes and failures – of our members, BrainTrust Vaults dramatically shortens the learning curve required to scale. Members listen and learn – not fix – and empower each another with the knowledge and support needed to handle their business.

What We Value

  • No Judgment
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Anti-Racism
  • Collaboration
  • Building Personal Wealth
  • Diversity
  • Learning
  • Personal & Professional Development

Our Model

Members are placed in thoughtfully assembled groups of smart, talented women business owners. Your group, known as a Vault™ consists of 5-8 members, each of whom commits to a four-hour monthly meeting in a safe, confidential space. Members are expected to show up to Vault™ meetings prepared and ready to report on the progress of their businesses, current challenges and immediate needs. Those needs are met through the exchange of experiences and the sharing of tools, resources, referrals and recommendations. Your Vault™ will quickly become your lifeline, and your fellow members will become your most trusted supporters and advocates, holding you accountable to your goals for yourself and your business.

Why Braintrust?

Consider the facts.


Women in the US are starting over 1100 businesses a day at the rate of over 47 per hour! That’s more than double the national average for men.


Though women are starting more businesses, only 1.7% of women-owned ventures have annual revenues of $1 million or more.


The vast majority, 89.5%, of women-owned businesses are not employer organizations – they have no employees other than the owner herself.

the ground rules

Thank you for showing up for yourself. To ensure BrainTrust members get maximum return on her investment, here are the Ground Rules.

Why $1M matters?

We’ve been told that we focus too much on reaching $1M. We’ll we take that as a compliment because that means our message is getting out. We understand that each woman’s journey to $1M looks different, and it’s not a race. But it is important that we all strive for $1M because good things happen when you get there.

When you get to $1M you start:

Paying yourself a good salary.


Employing 5-10 employees who are working IN the business so you can work ON the business.


Creating a sustainable business that can help you achieve your long-term financial goals.


Enhancing your creditworthiness so lenders are more likely to approve a loan or Line of Credit to power your business growth.


Attracting investors so your business can scale.


Taking on larger clients so you can earn more money with fewer clients.


Ready to Find Your Vault™?

BrainTrust is expanding, but we’re doing so carefully. It’s not about headcount, it’s about impact. If you’re ready to show up for yourself and others and seriously work on the growth of your business, we invite you to learn more about our community.