Become a Member

Transform with BrainTrust

When you join BrainTrust you join a community where women business owners harness their collective power to achieve financial independence, wealth, and influence. Our Vaults™ provide a rich pool of experience, expertise, and resources, fostering a shared journey toward business transformation. Here, wisdom is shared, challenges are tackled collectively, and members are empowered to elevate their businesses. In BrainTrust, you don’t just grow your business; you transform it, with the wisdom and resources of fellow women business owners.

Take the first step to take your business to new heights.

Submit an interest form to get more information on becoming a Braintrust member.

BrainTrust Members by the Numbers


Average Revenue Growth in 2023


Average annual revenue


have exceeded $1M


jobs created


BrainTrust has been transformative for my business and personal growth. Being surrounded by other women who are experiencing similar things in work (and in life) has made me feel less isolated and more uplifted in my entrepreneurial journey. We are transparent, honest, and direct while feeling safe in a confidential environment. I have grown leaps and bounds during my time at BrainTrust and look forward to continued growth AND confidence in my business.

Shawn Huffman

Legacy Hospitality TN

Member Benefits