Retro-Tech: An Ode to Pen and Paper. And Ron Samuels.

Pencil with solid fill

With new apps and technology being introduced regularly, there are a few tools that just never go out of style:  Pen and paper. There is so much power in writing, physically moving a pen across paper, making the loops and lines and dots that form letters and words… and ideas. There are many reasons to pull out your pen and paper.

The Benefits Of Using Pen and Paper

Enhanced Recall

Studies show that you retain what you’ve written much more so than what you’ve typed. Consider this:  when you’re using your thumbs to take notes on your phone…or even both hands to type notes on a laptop or iPad, whether you’re typing a “p” or a “q, the actual movement your hands and fingers make is identical – a downward stroke. But when you use a pen or pencil to physically write the letters that form a word, the motions are unique, triggering greater recall. And, experts say, those motions trigger other brain connections – further enhancing memory.


Think about the last time you sat with someone who took notes during your conversation. Did it make you feel seen and heard?  That what you were saying mattered to them? It does to me. Back in December, my husband Mark and I were on vacation with our friends Michael and Hal. Michael is a workaholic like me, so after 3-4 days of shopping, eating, and sightseeing, he delighted me by asking “Would you like to spend some time with me tomorrow, working on BrainTrust’s growth strategy?”. Yes…yes, I did!

The next morning, at 8 AM sharp, he began interviewing me, asking dozens of questions, carefully taking notes, and getting deeper or broader explanations where needed. Imagine my surprise (and delight!) the next morning, when he gave me a report…a perfectly professional (almost PUBLISHABLE!) report that encompassed the conversation and his recommendations. 15 pages worth. 15 pages which included links to articles he recommended, graphs, and charts, – all demonstrating something invaluable to me: His respect. His respect for me and what I am building. 

Undivided Attention

Last year, I attended a business conference, with an absolutely riveting session. When there was one particularly important message, I jotted a few notes into my notebook and looked at the person on my left, wanting to connect with a fellow attendee about the profundity of what we’d just heard. I was stunned to see him engaged with his phone, holding it with both hands. Then, I realized that he may also have been taking notes…on his device. But it didn’t look that way. I wondered how that felt to the speaker, to look out into the audience to see individuals with their phones in their hands, not knowing if they were reading their email, checking their IG feed, or perhaps, taking notes. How disconcerting!   

Write It Down To Get It Done

“What’s down gets done”. I know this is true. Written goals…written in pen or pencil on real paper, creates a chain of actions and reactions, all positive. When I was dating Mark, I was intrigued by his lists and goals or should I say his “list of goals”. He was 49 and was touting his “49 x 49” – goals he wanted to achieve before his next birthday. He’s a smart weirdo, so the list is uh… interesting: “Identify 10 new constellations”; “Identify 12 new life birds” (in his world, a “life bird” is a bird that he is seeing for the first time in his life). His goal lists are amusing but the thing is, HE ACHIEVES THEM! Almost all of them, every year. Because he has committed to them in writing!


When I was growing my first company, LetterLogic, every single time I or my company was mentioned in the press (not bragging here…but it was A LOT), I’d get a card or letter from Ron Samuels. Mr. Samuels was the founder and CEO of Avenue Bank – and I was amazed at the fact that he would, every time, send me a handwritten note congratulating me…and include a copy of the article. What an honor it was to receive these handwritten notes from such a busy person! To this day, every time I receive a note or write one, I think of him. I try my best to emulate him. He’s the best!

Yeah, technology is great, and AI is taking over the world. But nothing can ever replace the power and value of putting pen to paper. It helped Ron Samuels build a powerful brand and flawless reputation.

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