The Dangers of Having a HUGE Customer

The Dangers of Having a HUGE Customer

When a HUGE customer might present a problem for you.  We all love landing that HUGE customer!  Maybe it’s the “flagship” customer – the household name that gives you instant credibility.   For example: “My pasta sauce is now in every Whole Foods”… or “Wow, FedEx just started using my app”…. or “I won a 3-year…

Lonely at the Top?

Lonely at the Top?

For most of my life, when I heard the phrase “lonely at the top,” I thought of it as a sarcastic remark by someone AT the top, condescending to those they led, pointing out the fact that it was the few, the elite, that made it to the “top” – whatever that was.

Later, as I became an entrepreneur, a CEO, that phrase came to mean something quite different and it began to resonate.

Building Your Brand Voice

Building Your Brand Voice

Picture this: You’re strolling through a bustling market, surrounded by a sea of vendors fighting for your attention. Suddenly, amidst the chaos, one voice cuts through the noise. It’s distinct, it’s memorable, and it’s undeniably unique. That is the power of a brand voice! In the crazy competitive business world, we cannot take a “build…

Personal Branding for Business Owners

Personal Branding for Business Owners

Like it or not, as a business owner, you’re not just running your business; you’re the living, breathing embodiment of it. What people think of you directly influences their perception of your business. It’s a two-way street where your personal brand and business brand are so intertwined. Now, I know what you might be thinking:…

The (Realistic) Guide to Organic Social Media for Small Businesses

The (Realistic) Guide to Organic Social Media for Small Businesses

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re handling social media in-house and when you’re running a tight ship with a small team, social media might not be top of your priority list. While we’d typically suggest partnering with a marketing agency for optimal results, we understand that’s not always feasible with limited resources and it’s…

Why Advice Sucks…and How to Stop Giving It

Why Advice Sucks…and How to Stop Giving It

In the business world, advice is as common as coffee meetings, but is it beneficial? Let’s explore why advice might be doing more harm than good and how we can shift our approach for better outcomes. The Pitfalls of Advice At BrainTrust, advice-giving is a HUGE no-no. Think about it this way, when you give…

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