Retro-Tech: An Ode to Pen and Paper. And Ron Samuels.

Retro-Tech: An Ode to Pen and Paper. And Ron Samuels.

With new apps and technology being introduced regularly, there are a few tools that just never go out of style:  Pen and paper. There is so much power in writing, physically moving a pen across paper, making the loops and lines and dots that form letters and words… and ideas. There are many reasons to…

The Dangers of Having a HUGE Customer

The Dangers of Having a HUGE Customer

When a HUGE customer might present a problem for you.  We all love landing that HUGE customer!  Maybe it’s the “flagship” customer – the household name that gives you instant credibility.   For example: “My pasta sauce is now in every Whole Foods”… or “Wow, FedEx just started using my app”…. or “I won a 3-year…

Lonely at the Top?

Lonely at the Top?

For most of my life, when I heard the phrase “lonely at the top,” I thought of it as a sarcastic remark by someone AT the top, condescending to those they led, pointing out the fact that it was the few, the elite, that made it to the “top” – whatever that was.

Later, as I became an entrepreneur, a CEO, that phrase came to mean something quite different and it began to resonate.

How Buy-Sell Agreements and Key-Person Insurance Policies Can Save Your Business

How Buy-Sell Agreements and Key-Person Insurance Policies Can Save Your Business

As an insurance agent, my brain is trained to think in terms of the worst-case scenario. My wife reminds me that this makes me really fun to be with at parties, as I am constantly identifying all the emergency exits, trip hazards, and other exciting dangers (insert eye roll here). But humor me and my…

Breaking Up With Your Product: Embracing Customer-Centric Growth

Breaking Up With Your Product: Embracing Customer-Centric Growth

With the world changing faster than ever before, adaptability isn’t just a skill; it’s a survival trait. It’s easy for entrepreneurs to fall deeply in love with their initial product or service. However, in the dynamic dance of market trends and consumer needs, this attachment can become a tether, restraining the potential growth and evolution…

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