Creating Clear Performance Expectations and Holding Employees Accountable

Creating Clear Performance Expectations and Holding Employees Accountable

Clear expectations always precede accountability. Think about it: If you’re not certain that you’ve clearly communicated what you need from someone—or that they’ve understood it, or that the goalposts haven’t moved since the last conversation—you’re likely to over-communicate and underperform as a leader. Why? Because without clarity, holding others accountable feels shaky at best and…

How Buy-Sell Agreements and Key-Person Insurance Policies Can Save Your Business

How Buy-Sell Agreements and Key-Person Insurance Policies Can Save Your Business

As an insurance agent, my brain is trained to think in terms of the worst-case scenario. My wife reminds me that this makes me really fun to be with at parties, as I am constantly identifying all the emergency exits, trip hazards, and other exciting dangers (insert eye roll here). But humor me and my…

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