Creating Clear Performance Expectations and Holding Employees Accountable

Creating Clear Performance Expectations and Holding Employees Accountable

Clear expectations always precede accountability. Think about it: If you’re not certain that you’ve clearly communicated what you need from someone—or that they’ve understood it, or that the goalposts haven’t moved since the last conversation—you’re likely to over-communicate and underperform as a leader. Why? Because without clarity, holding others accountable feels shaky at best and…

Where are the Blindspots in Your Business?
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Where are the Blindspots in Your Business?

Remember when you were first learning to drive a car and the instructor taught you to be aware of blindspots? The thing about blindspots is that they’re so subtle and SO CLOSE to you that your reaction time is limited – leaving you exposed to real danger. Those blind spots are the source of such…

Closing Out the Year, Celebrate Your Gains
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Closing Out the Year, Celebrate Your Gains

BrainTrust Director of Business Development, Morgan Lee Stanley, recently led our team through our annual planning day, starting with a SWOT analysis. We reviewed the data from our last planning meeting, going over the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats as we’d identified them last go-round. This exercise was encouraging and eye-opening. We were pleasantly surprised…

You Can’t Be What You Can’t See: Leading the Way for Women Business Owners
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You Can’t Be What You Can’t See: Leading the Way for Women Business Owners

As a peer-to-peer membership for women business owners, BrainTrust is dedicated to seeing women achieve financial independence, wealth & influence. And we shine a light on the women who are paving the way, pushing them to the forefront so the rest of us can SEE the possibilities.

Getting Venture Capital Still a Man’s World? Not for long!
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Getting Venture Capital Still a Man’s World? Not for long!

As a woman business owner, on a regular basis, you’re likely to see or feel the reality that, in most of the world, entrepreneurship is set up for men. The ecosystem was set up by men … for men, which has created many barriers for women.

How to Find Funding Options for your Business

How to Find Funding Options for your Business

Every business starts with a great idea. And while it may come as a surprise for many entrepreneurs, having that great idea is actually the easy part of starting a business. What’s much more challenging is paving the way from idea to product development to product launch. Oftentimes, accessing capital as a startup is a bump in the road to success.

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